Sunday, July 11, 2010

My Boys

Just a few pics to share of my boys. July 4th, Brytan ran in the Green Street Mile which is a race held every July 4th in Tupelo. This was his first time to run it and he won 2nd in his age division. I am so proud of him and I hope this sparks his running even more.
On another note Tucker is 4 months old! Time just flies by. He will be grown before I know it. We tried cereal for the first time. He didn't act like he hated, but he spit half of it back out because he hasn't learned how to work his mouth with a spoon yet. He went swimming for the first time today and it was so precious. He loved it, we stayed out there about 2 hrs without him crying any except for when my fingernail and his nose accidently collided and it scratched him. Anyhoo here are some pics.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Man how time flies!!

It is crazy how fast time flies with these children. Tucker is getting so much more personality these days, and is really starting to get to that fun stage where he is laughing and smiling and discovering the world. He will be 4 months old on the 8th!!.Here are 2 recent pictures of him. I just think he is the cutest thing ever!! But I could be a little biased.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Keeping the roads and everything else hot

I am glad to be home tonight. Are there ever enough hours in the day? I left the house at 0930 this morning and didn't come back until 9:30 tonight. In that amount of time I went to a craft day at church where we scrapbooked, and learned about photography basics by watching a presentation by my MIL, ate lunch, attended a baseball game, got a dead car battery, got jumped off, bought new battery which took 20min for it to work right,in the 94 degree heat, and went to a housewarming party/guitar hero playing party. Man what a butt long sentence. Anyhoo, I am tired after all that. Tomorrow my eldest son is getting Baptized at church, and then we are off to the Columbus Air Force base to see the air show. It should be another fun but tiring day. I am getting ready for a day when we have absolutely nothing to do. On another note, I've been enjoying starting to work out again and starting slowly. I'm not so sore I can't walk and I even had fun. My eating still has a lot to improve. Anyway. Here are some recent pics of the chilren.


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Week 1 recap

Well I made it through the first week of my new diet without completely starving to death. There were moments though when I thought I could have eaten my couch cushions. I did manage to add a lot more veggies into my diet . I also started back running. I am doing the Couch to 5K plan. It is really frustrating to know how fast you can lose fitness if you quit. My goal this time is not to quit. I also managed to work arms, legs and abs this week. Yay. Maybe I can keep it up. On another note today is Mother's day and I woke up to this courtesy of Brytan ........

complete with desert. Happy Mother's Day to all.

Friday, April 30, 2010


That's right, it's in type now. 174lbs. That is what I currently weigh and for me that sucks. I weighed 164 at 9 mos pregnant with my first child. Granted I just had a baby 7 wks ago, but I initially lost a lot of weight and now I'm stuck. I gained way more than I wanted to with this pregnancy.I had even started back running a couple of weeks ago and of course in my usual style I tried to do too much too fast and my knees were killing me so I had to take a break. So now I'm starting fresh and gonna take my running SUPER slow and start back with walking, then gradually start back . I am going to try to start eating healthier, just not gonna watch my calories strictly. Due to the fact I cook a lot it is not easy to figure out calorie counts for things like that. So I'm gonna try to increase my veggies, decrease fats, eat good breads, water, water, water. I also am gonna have to learn to work in my workouts with a 7 week old that is not always cooperative. We'll see how it goes, I gotta do something. I can't fit back into my old clothes, and maternity are a lil big. I refuse to go out and buy a bunch of clothes to fit me now when this is not the weight I want to be at. I think I'll post my weekly weights on the sidebar as sort of my journal. Later

Monday, April 12, 2010

Lot's of new things

It's been a while since I've blogged. I've been quite busy around here with baby Tucker. We had him on March 8th. We had decided not to find out whether we were having a boy or a girl until delivery. I was very surprised. Everyone that I knew thought I was having a girl. We thought it so much it almost seemed that it was fact. I even have girl clothing hanging in his closet. He was a boy though, and he couldn't be more perfect . He weighed 7lbs 3 oz. 19.5 inches long. Of course we had to get lots of pics taken courtesy of my personal photographer/wonderful mother in law. Here are a few of them.

photos by