As if I should have to be reminded this many times. I don't know if it's just me but I can be on a roll (for me anyway) of running consistently, exercising, etc, etc, then I fall off the wagon and its like starting all over to get back started. I ran today, which I haven't in about 3 wks a lot of which I have been sick, or knee pain. I thought I was going to die. I started out at about a 9:32 mile which is like lightening fast for me, my legs felt awesome like I could just run forever, then I felt like my lungs were going to catch on fire due to the cold weather, and that I was going to drown in my own snot. Now that's a pretty thought. I wound up walking probably half the way. Oh well I at least got back started in some form.
My shoes are not hard to fill... There's just so many of them. Just some randomness about my life.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
I hate being sick....
I have really felt like a lazy bum this week. I haven't ran due to knee problems, and for the past few days I have had the vomicking(that's how a lot of my patients say it). I am holding down food today, I just can't stand up for over a few minutes or I get sweaty and dizzy. I did reach this week's mini goal. I am now under 140lbs. There's always a silver lining.Nothing like a stomach virus to kick start a diet.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Boot Camp = Pain
Me and 2 other girls I work with decided the other day we were going to go to a boot camp class at the gym today. I had been to the class before, but it'd been about a year. It whooped our tails . It's bad when you are anxiously waiting for the ab exercises just so you can lie down. I managed to survive 45 min of it and then go run 1 mile on the treadmill. Tonight the pain has set in. I feel like I've been in a car wreck. So I am off now to go get in my hot tub and let my motrin kick in.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Didn't just fall off wagon, I'm being drug by it.
I am really bad. I have been so terrible the last few weeks about my running and my eating. You'd think I'm storing up food for winter the way I eat. I also feel tired no matter how much sleep I get. I think I feel so bad b/c my diet and exercise have been so bad. I feel so much better when I'm doing good and on track, and then I fall off the wagon. But I'm hopefully back on. Ate bad today but I did get up off my but and ran 4 miles, which was the first time I ran this week. I am trying to look on the bright side. This is an improvement since last year. Until this year the only way I was running was if something was chasing me. All I know as it's a work in progress. Maybe it'll all click one of these days. I so wish to be one of these peppy, workout addicted people. That's who I want to be when I grow up.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Gravel hurts.
Well I knew it would happen, most say it always does. I had my first bike wreck today. There have been a few close calls with the clipless pedals but today it happened. It was not the pedals, or the shoe's fault . I started off on some gravel and my tire slipped, and down I go. Thankfully no broken bones. I do have a little rode,well gravel rash to my lower leg and a sore shoulder. More than anything I was embarrassed and I scratched my bike and my pride. And here I have been scared a dog would make me wreck.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
It's time to get serious.....
Ok so I am really motivated right now. I really really want to eventually do a marathon. I have really been sporadic with my running as of late. If I want to do a marathon I've got to get on a PLAN. That's right smack dab on some paper plan. I have picked out one in April 09. We'll see. I got to do a lot better before I actually pay the fee. I'm gonna give myself about 3-4 more weeks before I decide whether i'm doing the full marathon or the half marathon. I'm doing one of them. It is time to get serious. I've been lazing and grazing for too long. I always thought "Hmm you never see any fat runners". I just may be the exception to the rule if I keep eating. I guess I'll just take it one bite oh I mean step at a time. He he
Oh and Shannan, if you are reading, thanks for following. I don't know if I remember you or not. I tried to click on your blog title under the comments, but there are no posts or pics. I'm good with faces, and names, but not necessarily together. I'll have to bust out the yearbooks.
Oh and Shannan, if you are reading, thanks for following. I don't know if I remember you or not. I tried to click on your blog title under the comments, but there are no posts or pics. I'm good with faces, and names, but not necessarily together. I'll have to bust out the yearbooks.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Tired but proud.
Very tired at this point. Me and dear hubby rode 17miles on bikes Tuesday and then 22 Thursday. This left us with very sore rumps, but a sense of accomplishment. I'm surprised, but my legs aren't even sore. I hope this means that I'm getting stronger and will be looking lean and trim in no time.Now I gotta just make it through 2 days of work and I'll be off for 3 days.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Childrens Mansion 5K
2 Words.........NOT PREPARED !! I hadn't ran in about 1.5 wks and ran the Childrens Mansion 5 k Saturday and was not prepared for hill after hill. My hood I usually run in is flat. My weak self had to walk them there hills. Oh well I guess I learned from this to start running up some hills here and there. And I forgot my Ipod. Anyway, I did make it through it. Brytan ran the whole thing and loved it. We both had fun. Between that and going to Ole Miss game that night and being up and down in the stands I think I've done the equivalent of about 400 lunges. My legs are killing me. That's what I get for takin a week or so off. Time to get SERIOUS about this fitness business. No more slacking. Anyway here's s
ome pics.

I don't know what this goofy look was all about

I don't know what this goofy look was all about
Friday, August 29, 2008
Riding, Running, Resting
Pretty boring day today for me. Trying to rest. As much as I want to ride my new bike I rode it 15miles yesterday and am afraid if i ride it much today I will be too sore for tomorrow's 5k. So I'm resting. Trying not to eat down the house. Hope I finish the run tomorrow. Haven't run in like 1.5 wks or so since I got sick. Feel like a total runner loser. After the run tomorrow we are going to head to Oxford for the Ole Miss game. Busy day ahead. Maybe I'll go to bed EARLY tonight.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Lovin the new toy!!
So after watching it rain all morning long there was a break in it long enough for me to get in a 7mile bike ride on my new bike. It rides smoother than my Tank, but the seat is a little harder, which will take a lil getting used to by my tush. Now I know why I bought the padded biking shorts. I really am terrible at hills, which there were quite a few of, so I definitely got to work on that. Hopefully I will get to ride again Thursday.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Dolce and Gabbana... Well just Dolce for now

Well I got my new bike in. It is a 2009 Specialized brand Dolce is the model. It is my very first road bike and so far I love it!! I got out and rode a lil this afternoon. On my Tank(big fat tired mtn bike) I would pedal my tail off and go very slow still. With this bike I was going 15.5 mph with not a whole lot of effort. Gotta get used to the different gear shifters. I think I will definitely go riding for a longer distance tomorrow if it doesn't rain. Now if I can just get my hubby to name his Gabbana.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Ran, Rain, Rested
Didn't do much today. I feel bad. I slept good last night, was in bed by like 9:00. Still felt like I needed about a week's more sleep. Sore throat. Just blah! I made myself get up and run 3 miles though, b/c it was planned, but the rest of the day I rested, and it rained. Did get caught up on some of my Tivo'd olympics. I don't know what I would do without Tivo. Anyway, I think I'll go to bed about 8:00 tonight.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Trying to get it together
I'm so excited! I have my road bike ordered and on its way. I've never owned a road bike before, so this should be fun. I should fly on this after struggling on my tank(my heavy mtn bike). I also am going to start swimming laps tomorrow night. I am really considering doing a triathlon, or a marathon or both in the future. Waaayyy future. Gives me a long term goal. It's just so hard to try to get it together and find time to do all these things. I am going to make time though. I am enjoying the way I feel after I run or bike. Now I know why so many people get addicted to them. I am finding myself addicted to these blogs too-reading and posting(whether anyone reads mine or not).
Thursday, August 14, 2008
A Tale of Two Flags
I finally ordered something to replace our tattered Ole Miss flag.

I bought two flags. Why two flags? Because my husband liked both,so he decided we could change the flag each week to color coordinate with whatever uniform colors they were wearing that week(could this possibly be OCD?). I of course laughed my head off at this, and did so as I ordered both just as he wanted.

I bought two flags. Why two flags? Because my husband liked both,so he decided we could change the flag each week to color coordinate with whatever uniform colors they were wearing that week(could this possibly be OCD?). I of course laughed my head off at this, and did so as I ordered both just as he wanted.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Taking a cue from the gymnasts
So I woke up this morning at 0600 as part of my(mold myself into a morning person ) project. Got my clothes on, stretched, ipod strapped on and ready. Got outside, and it was raining. I had planned on running today and had gotten up early just for it, so needless to say I was disappointed. So I went back to bed. It rained, and rained and rained. Finally this afternoon I got to run, and my leg muscles were very sore afterwards so I decided to put some ice on them. I was not ready to be immobile for a while though so I took an idea from the gymnasts I've been seeing on the olympics. After they get through with some of their routines they tape ice to their shoulders, or legs. I thought this was a fine way to ice yet remain mobile and look very funny all at the same time.

Cute Huh? It worked though.
Cute Huh? It worked though.
Monday, August 11, 2008
I'm not a morning person but I will be.
I have always struggled with getting up early. Don't like it, won't do it, despised it. Since I've started running I've found that in the heat of the summer it's just too hot to run in the evenings until about 10pm. On the days I work I have to get up at 4am(which I hate). So I have decided I am going to become a morning person whether I like it at first or not and start doing morning runs. So far I actually like it. I feel so much better that I've gotten them over with. I do have to be in the bed by about 9pm to survive this, but I'm adjusting.

On another note, my new shoes are getting better, still a little heavy, kinda ugly, but my hips do not hurt me anymore when I run like they did.

On another note, my new shoes are getting better, still a little heavy, kinda ugly, but my hips do not hurt me anymore when I run like they did.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Kids gotta always prove you wrong
Today we went to a local store to buy my son Brytan a pair of running shoes. I talked with them about something I've been pondering about. Brytan has been running with me but I have to periodically slow down to stay with him. So we talked about this and came to the same conclusion I had. I need to run at my own pace and him at his no matter if that separates us or not. So tonight on our suppose to be 3 mile run (which we've been doing for a while now) he got ahead of me and stayed ahead of me and wound up doing 3 miles. Something was not right with me and I couldn't even do but 2.5 and that was partly walking. We ran at about 5pm today which is a lot hotter than usual so i'm blaming that. So after all that he came in with the big head. "So you quit did ya?" Ha Ha. I'll get him next time when we run at a cooler time of the day. I did manage to get in a 6 mile bike after my ultra bad run.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Three Counties, Wasting gas, No bike...
Lately I have been biking. I have come to realize that my tank of a mountain bike is not really meant for roads so I have started looking for a road bike. I would like to buy an inexpensive road bike due to A) Just starting this, don't know if I'll keep it up. B) Wouldn't know the difference between a $100 bike and a $2,000 bike at this point other than my brokeness thereafter. So today I set out to find me a budget bike. After traveling about 45 min down the road(gas $3.91 mind you) I get to the store I was hopeful was going to have my bike. It's closed this week for vacation. Ahhhhhhhh!!!!! What a waste of time, money, gas. So I spent the rest of the day looking at other various places only to be disappointed some more and spent the rest of the day grumbling over it. On the bright side I did buy a new snazzy pair of running shorts and ran 2 miles today.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
The Beginning
I decided to start this blog because I have always enjoyed reading other peoples blogs. I have never considered myself a writer, but I think I will enjoy writing this and maybe someone just might enjoy reading it. Ta Ta for now.
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