Ok so I am really motivated right now. I really really want to eventually do a marathon. I have really been sporadic with my running as of late. If I want to do a marathon I've got to get on a PLAN. That's right smack dab on some paper plan. I have picked out one in April 09. We'll see. I got to do a lot better before I actually pay the fee. I'm gonna give myself about 3-4 more weeks before I decide whether i'm doing the full marathon or the half marathon. I'm doing one of them. It is time to get serious. I've been lazing and grazing for too long. I always thought "Hmm you never see any fat runners". I just may be the exception to the rule if I keep eating. I guess I'll just take it one bite oh I mean step at a time. He he
Oh and Shannan, if you are reading, thanks for following. I don't know if I remember you or not. I tried to click on your blog title under the comments, but there are no posts or pics. I'm good with faces, and names, but not necessarily together. I'll have to bust out the yearbooks.
I signed up for my first 5K! It's no where near half-marathon capacity but I'm excited. Baby steps right! Good luck. I'm doing the race for the cure in October. My only goals are to do it in under 45minutes and not to come in last place!!!
Hi Again...I am not sure why our blog isn't listed on the profile but it is lewellenfamily.blogspot.com
I have been blogging for about a year now, so there are lots of posts :)
Good luck with the Marathon :)
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