Saturday, October 25, 2008

I hate being sick....

I have really felt like a lazy bum this week. I haven't ran due to knee problems, and for the past few days I have had the vomicking(that's how a lot of my patients say it). I am holding down food today, I just can't stand up for over a few minutes or I get sweaty and dizzy. I did reach this week's mini goal. I am now under 140lbs. There's always a silver lining.Nothing like a stomach virus to kick start a diet.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Boot Camp = Pain

Me and 2 other girls I work with decided the other day we were going to go to a boot camp class at the gym today. I had been to the class before, but it'd been about a year. It whooped our tails . It's bad when you are anxiously waiting for the ab exercises just so you can lie down. I managed to survive 45 min of it and then go run 1 mile on the treadmill. Tonight the pain has set in. I feel like I've been in a car wreck. So I am off now to go get in my hot tub and let my motrin kick in.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Didn't just fall off wagon, I'm being drug by it.

I am really bad. I have been so terrible the last few weeks about my running and my eating. You'd think I'm storing up food for winter the way I eat. I also feel tired no matter how much sleep I get. I think I feel so bad b/c my diet and exercise have been so bad. I feel so much better when I'm doing good and on track, and then I fall off the wagon. But I'm hopefully back on. Ate bad today but I did get up off my but and ran 4 miles, which was the first time I ran this week. I am trying to look on the bright side. This is an improvement since last year. Until this year the only way I was running was if something was chasing me. All I know as it's a work in progress. Maybe it'll all click one of these days. I so wish to be one of these peppy, workout addicted people. That's who I want to be when I grow up.