Thursday, December 31, 2009


I haven't blogged in a long time which is something that I'd definitely like to change in 2010. Here's my year in review.

Spring Break we went to Disney World

In May we went to the Bahamas

Why take 2 big trips so close together? Because we had plans...




We took 2 trips because we planned on getting pregnant and knew it would be a while before we could do something like that again. Brytan was at a great age to take to Disney and we never got to take an "official" honeymoon so off we went. We are definitely looking forward to 2010 as we will be having big things happening.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

It's been a while...

I've not been a very good blogger. I don't know that anyone even reads this, but if they do I have let them down. I've been busy with life and just haven't had the mood to write strike me. My running has been horrible. I am basically having to start all over at it and run 1 mile at a time due to some shin splints/muscle strain, whatever. This makes me mad being that about a month ago I could run 5 miles without stopping. Oh well. I am going to rededicate myself to my running, my blogging and maybe that will hold me accountable and I'll actually succeed. I also am on a quest to become more organized so that i get more things done around here. We will see.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

Been really busy lately. and will be for a while. I am finally back on the running wagon. I plan to run the Gumtree and the Coca Cola Classic 10 k's this year. I think I've finally found my problems with my running why I hurt. It's all in the form which now I am trying to correct. DUH, It took almost a year of running to figure that out. Sometimes the simplest things get ya. Anyway I'm off to go lay on the couch for a while.

Friday, January 30, 2009

All things Xbox

It's official. I'm hooked. We got xbox 360 and Guitar Hero World Tour for christmas and I'm totally hooked. I even signed up for xbox live and now I have a whole new obsession. I have only played 2 people online so far. One a friend from work and another person it matched me with that bailed. Apparantly if you are not good no one wants to play with you. That's ok though b/c I'm getting there. I do like the online experience though. I'm already on the hunt for a new game to play. I think most games are made with guys in mind. I'm not real crazy about shoot em up games. I'll find something. Later

Monday, January 12, 2009

Catchin up

Haven't posted in a long time, not that many folks read this anyway. I guess blogging is just another one of my hobbies that I have ADD with. I have so many interests in my life that I will get in to for a while, buy all this stuff, get completely gung ho in it for weeks, maybe months, and then all the sudden something else will take its place and I'll shift gears to it for a while. Most of the times I pick back up where I left off at some point. It happens with all kinds of stuff- crafts, scrapbooking, running, cycling, swimming, BLOGGING. I have termed it Hobby ADD. Anyway in an attempt to not have many resolutions this year I have 3 main ones, keeping them simple and general. 1. Get it together more-this applies to organization, equal attention to all hobbies, areas in life. 2. Use my wellness center membership appx 2 times per week or lose it. 3. Don't let fears and worries stop me from doing the things I want.

That's all I got for now. Later.