Friday, April 30, 2010


That's right, it's in type now. 174lbs. That is what I currently weigh and for me that sucks. I weighed 164 at 9 mos pregnant with my first child. Granted I just had a baby 7 wks ago, but I initially lost a lot of weight and now I'm stuck. I gained way more than I wanted to with this pregnancy.I had even started back running a couple of weeks ago and of course in my usual style I tried to do too much too fast and my knees were killing me so I had to take a break. So now I'm starting fresh and gonna take my running SUPER slow and start back with walking, then gradually start back . I am going to try to start eating healthier, just not gonna watch my calories strictly. Due to the fact I cook a lot it is not easy to figure out calorie counts for things like that. So I'm gonna try to increase my veggies, decrease fats, eat good breads, water, water, water. I also am gonna have to learn to work in my workouts with a 7 week old that is not always cooperative. We'll see how it goes, I gotta do something. I can't fit back into my old clothes, and maternity are a lil big. I refuse to go out and buy a bunch of clothes to fit me now when this is not the weight I want to be at. I think I'll post my weekly weights on the sidebar as sort of my journal. Later

Monday, April 12, 2010

Lot's of new things

It's been a while since I've blogged. I've been quite busy around here with baby Tucker. We had him on March 8th. We had decided not to find out whether we were having a boy or a girl until delivery. I was very surprised. Everyone that I knew thought I was having a girl. We thought it so much it almost seemed that it was fact. I even have girl clothing hanging in his closet. He was a boy though, and he couldn't be more perfect . He weighed 7lbs 3 oz. 19.5 inches long. Of course we had to get lots of pics taken courtesy of my personal photographer/wonderful mother in law. Here are a few of them.

photos by